Kamis, 13 November 2008

British Flavor

Lupakan Blur, PJ Harvey, Roots Manuva, Babyshambles atau Radiohead dan dengan sedikit menyesal, geser dulu nama Arctic Monkeys dari kepalamu ( Alex Turner, love!!!)
Wait a minute, atau mungkin kamu penggila musik-musik British kayak Lily Allen dengan Alright Still-nya? Skip it!
Buka Google dan search...

The Klaxons
Song: Golden Skans

Light touch my hands, in a dream of Golden Skans, from now on
You can forget our future plans

Night touch my hands with the turning Golden Skans
From the night to the light, all plans are golden in your hands

Set sail from sense, bring all her young
Set sail from where we once begun

While we wait, while we wait

A hall of records, or numbers, or spaces still undone

Ruins, or relics, disciples and the young

A hall of records, or numbers, or spaces still undone

Ruins, or relics, disciples and the young

Arrrgghhhhh! How much I love them

Mungkin Arctic Monkeys bisa mundur sebentar untuk membicarakan strategi apa yang harus digunakan untuk menghadang pria-pria asal London ini, they're saucy!

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